Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Is there a negative side to green tea dieting?

By Collin De Ruyck

American and Chinese researchers have been studying Green Tea and how it effects the levels of Cholesterol. Views are still mixed as there seems to be pros and cons for both sides of the research.

There was a recent case study completed where 200 men and women with an average age of 55. All participants have mild to moderately high levels of Cholesterol. When the study began, researchers told them to not change anything in their daily routines. Eat the same, walk the same etc. After 12 weeks the researches concluded that out of the 200 people who participated in this case study, the ones who were chosen to consume Green Tea has lost 15% of there cholesterol levels.

Earlier studies have proven that certain elements found in green tea play a vital role in reducing cholesterol that is absorbed by the body. Researchers are yet to explain how exactly green tea or consuming green tea can reduce your cholesterol levels but it has been made very clear that a green tea diet will reduce your cholesterol levels.

Th researchers stated in a later report that the first group of participants did not lose cholesterol as a result of drinking green tea. So let me get this right, first you provide proof that they did, and now you say they didn't! Did I read that right? How much did you pay for your education again??

The medical community really frustrates me at times. It seems that anything organic does not get the support it should get. Here is an example of what I am talking about.

When my oldest was 3, he got the worse case of chicken pox I have ever seen. There was not one square inch of him that was not infected. This boy was in so much pain from being so itchy that we took him to the hospital 3 times to try and find something that could help him. 3 trips later, nothing was prescribed.

I was extremely frustrated with this situation so I decided I was going to try some extract from an Aloe Vera Plant. Funny thing was, once I applied it to my son. His itching stopped with in 15 minuets, two days later, he started to clear up.

When my youngest got the chicken pox one of the same nurses that told us there was nothing we could do for our oldest boy admitted to us that she knew that the Aloe Vera plant would work to stop the itching. I asked her why no one told us about it and why my son had to suffer for a week. The nurse told us that they are no allowed to recommend anything organic. So if you know a kid is suffering, you don't say anything??

So you can clearly see that the opinion of some doctors is swayed by the opinion of the pharmaceutical companies. I guess if it is not supported by the big pharmaceutical companies then it can't be good for you right? - 17273

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