Some Tips To Gluten Free Cooking
If you go through excessive bloating and have abdominal pain after eating you may have over ate. Or you could be one of the many in this country who suffer from a gluten sensitivity. You might have this problem and not know it. If so you will need to practice gluten free cooking.
This might mean you just over ate. But if you feel this way on a regular basis no matter how much you eat you might have a gluten sensitivity. Gluten is the part of bread dough that makes it gooey. It is an protein and is present in rye, barley, and wheat. Since it is common to many everyday products if can be difficult to avoid.
But more and more companies are offering gluten free products as the awareness to this food sensitivity grows. You will see on your grocery shelves bake mixes for bread and pastries all gluten free. There are even pretzels made out of potato that are free of gluten. You will see more products in the market as companies realize the need for these kinds of foods.
There are also many restaurants that offer gluten free meals on their menu. As the restaurants see they can attract people with this condition look for more to offer gluten free options on their menus. Of course if you like to cook you will want to prepare your own gluten free meals. One easy way to prepare gluten free bread is to use soy flour instead of wheat flour.
However you can use your own home made rice flour you make in your own kitchen. You start with long grain brown rice. Brown rice has the nutrients that white rice has had washed out or otherwise removed. You have to use a high speed blender that grinds rice into flour. There are available blenders that are advertised to grind vegetables and fruits into soups and smoothies.
These high speed power blenders can be found on the internet. You then use the rice flour and combine it with about a half cup of soy flour you can buy in the store. You then add black molasses; and with that two eggs, baking soda and powder. One cook adds a cup of instant mashed potato mix to help bind together the flours.
Add just enough water to mix it into a smooth but not runny concoction. This does does not need yeast. Then pour the mix into a bread pan and put into a pre heated oven at 350 degrees for about an hour. Then remove it from the oven and let cool. This is a great tasting bread that is gluten free.
Now you will find many cookbooks on gluten free cooking now that more and more people are identifying this food sensitivity. You can also find online many good cooking videos demonstrating gluten free cooking recipes. If you think you might have a gluten sensitivity discuss this with your doctor before you make any diet changes. - 17273
This might mean you just over ate. But if you feel this way on a regular basis no matter how much you eat you might have a gluten sensitivity. Gluten is the part of bread dough that makes it gooey. It is an protein and is present in rye, barley, and wheat. Since it is common to many everyday products if can be difficult to avoid.
But more and more companies are offering gluten free products as the awareness to this food sensitivity grows. You will see on your grocery shelves bake mixes for bread and pastries all gluten free. There are even pretzels made out of potato that are free of gluten. You will see more products in the market as companies realize the need for these kinds of foods.
There are also many restaurants that offer gluten free meals on their menu. As the restaurants see they can attract people with this condition look for more to offer gluten free options on their menus. Of course if you like to cook you will want to prepare your own gluten free meals. One easy way to prepare gluten free bread is to use soy flour instead of wheat flour.
However you can use your own home made rice flour you make in your own kitchen. You start with long grain brown rice. Brown rice has the nutrients that white rice has had washed out or otherwise removed. You have to use a high speed blender that grinds rice into flour. There are available blenders that are advertised to grind vegetables and fruits into soups and smoothies.
These high speed power blenders can be found on the internet. You then use the rice flour and combine it with about a half cup of soy flour you can buy in the store. You then add black molasses; and with that two eggs, baking soda and powder. One cook adds a cup of instant mashed potato mix to help bind together the flours.
Add just enough water to mix it into a smooth but not runny concoction. This does does not need yeast. Then pour the mix into a bread pan and put into a pre heated oven at 350 degrees for about an hour. Then remove it from the oven and let cool. This is a great tasting bread that is gluten free.
Now you will find many cookbooks on gluten free cooking now that more and more people are identifying this food sensitivity. You can also find online many good cooking videos demonstrating gluten free cooking recipes. If you think you might have a gluten sensitivity discuss this with your doctor before you make any diet changes. - 17273
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