Green Tea Is A Profound Nutrition Tea
If you have any ailments that are currently irritating you or you just want to keep in the best health you can, then I have some very interesting information for you about Green Tea. Anyone that has heard of Green Tea probably knows the basics - it is very good for you. However, I am sure there are many that do not know what it is about it that is so good for you. And for those of you that are nodding after reading the previous sentence, I am going to tell just what and why it is so good for you!
To begin with, Green Tea was found by the Chinese over 4,000 long years ago. It is made from the steamed dried leaves of the shrub plant Camellia Sinensis. Drying the leaves this way allows the delicate antioxidants to remain in their natural and best state. And while talking of antioxidants, the most beneficial and prominent of these is EGCG or in scientific terms Epigallocatechin Gallate. This antioxidant is 100 times more powerful than Vitamin C and is 25 times more effective than Vitamin E. This is lovely news for your skin!
Sugars and fats ingested are synthesized by the body into a substance called Triglyceride. Triglyceride is used by the body as a source of energy. However, if too much sugar and fat are ingested, there becomes an excess of triglyceride that the body does not use, this is what can cause obesity. I'm not suggesting that you can solve obesity problems with EGCG, but I am suggesting it as an aid in reducing fat build up and dieting. EGCG can work alongside your weight reduction efforts because it stimulates the enzyme that dissolves Triglyceride.
Those electrons that can cause huge destruction in the body are known as Free Radicals. These electrons are unpaired. Because they are deficient of a partner, they are in a 'reactive' state. This means they move around the body searching for a healthy electron to pair up with. Some of them are formed naturally in our bodies, but not to an alarming degree. Most of the free radicals in the body are there by way of external factors like UV radiation and toxins in the atmosphere. As they are unhealthy electrons, by attaching themselves to healthy pair, they can damage that healthy pair. They can cause destruction of the cells membranes, allowing bacteria's and diseases to enter and form within them.
While this persists, one cell after another, it gives way to larger bodily structures becoming unhealthy. Some results of this could be cardiovascular diseases, lowered immunity, cancer development and possible DNA damage. Prevention of this kind of damage can be helped with increasing intake of EGCG in your diet. EGCG can actually KILL free radicals. Therefore, the more EGCG you take in the higher take in the higher our immunity will be in guarding against illnesses and diseases of this kind.
On this note, Green Tea is not the only food that contains EGCG. It can be sourced in many other foods in high doses also. Some of those foods are carrots, broccoli, strawberries, spinach, grapes and red wine. In saying that, Green Tea does contain the highest percentage of EGCG antioxidants than all previous mentioned foods. Green Tea also holds Vitamin B2, Riboflavin, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells, production of antibodies and cell respiration and growth. This next to EGCG and all the other antioxidants it holds, can help in avoidance of several diseases, some I spoke of above, others include strokes, blood clots, skin cancer and many minor complaints and ailments - age spots, mouth ulcers, gum disease, heartburn, lack luster hair, weak nails, even your memory and vigor. - 17273
To begin with, Green Tea was found by the Chinese over 4,000 long years ago. It is made from the steamed dried leaves of the shrub plant Camellia Sinensis. Drying the leaves this way allows the delicate antioxidants to remain in their natural and best state. And while talking of antioxidants, the most beneficial and prominent of these is EGCG or in scientific terms Epigallocatechin Gallate. This antioxidant is 100 times more powerful than Vitamin C and is 25 times more effective than Vitamin E. This is lovely news for your skin!
Sugars and fats ingested are synthesized by the body into a substance called Triglyceride. Triglyceride is used by the body as a source of energy. However, if too much sugar and fat are ingested, there becomes an excess of triglyceride that the body does not use, this is what can cause obesity. I'm not suggesting that you can solve obesity problems with EGCG, but I am suggesting it as an aid in reducing fat build up and dieting. EGCG can work alongside your weight reduction efforts because it stimulates the enzyme that dissolves Triglyceride.
Those electrons that can cause huge destruction in the body are known as Free Radicals. These electrons are unpaired. Because they are deficient of a partner, they are in a 'reactive' state. This means they move around the body searching for a healthy electron to pair up with. Some of them are formed naturally in our bodies, but not to an alarming degree. Most of the free radicals in the body are there by way of external factors like UV radiation and toxins in the atmosphere. As they are unhealthy electrons, by attaching themselves to healthy pair, they can damage that healthy pair. They can cause destruction of the cells membranes, allowing bacteria's and diseases to enter and form within them.
While this persists, one cell after another, it gives way to larger bodily structures becoming unhealthy. Some results of this could be cardiovascular diseases, lowered immunity, cancer development and possible DNA damage. Prevention of this kind of damage can be helped with increasing intake of EGCG in your diet. EGCG can actually KILL free radicals. Therefore, the more EGCG you take in the higher take in the higher our immunity will be in guarding against illnesses and diseases of this kind.
On this note, Green Tea is not the only food that contains EGCG. It can be sourced in many other foods in high doses also. Some of those foods are carrots, broccoli, strawberries, spinach, grapes and red wine. In saying that, Green Tea does contain the highest percentage of EGCG antioxidants than all previous mentioned foods. Green Tea also holds Vitamin B2, Riboflavin, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells, production of antibodies and cell respiration and growth. This next to EGCG and all the other antioxidants it holds, can help in avoidance of several diseases, some I spoke of above, others include strokes, blood clots, skin cancer and many minor complaints and ailments - age spots, mouth ulcers, gum disease, heartburn, lack luster hair, weak nails, even your memory and vigor. - 17273
About the Author:
Are you interested in learning more about this 'nutrition tea', its wonderful properties and how it can help you with your health? Follow this link and relish in the information offered =
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