Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Popular Weight Loss Myths Busted by the Best Personal Trainer in Washington, DC

By Josef Brandenburg

There are a lot of made up facts regarding weight loss which have gained huge popularity among us all. Most of us in our desperate search for the best Washington, DC personal trainer get impressed by those who profess to be experienced and masters of fitness. But all that ends up happening is we get cheated out of our money.

Myth #1: Aerobics is the ideal solution to all weight issues.

Busted: USDA had recommended 60 to 90 minute aerobic exercise to lose fat in the year 2005. But the results later showed that the people who had done rigorous exercise for not less than 60 minutes per day for 6 days a week ended up losing only 6.5 lbs of body fat in a year.

The truth is, aerobic training is the least effective weight loss prescription that you might get. This works more for endurance training than weight loss. The best, by far, is interval training, which can actually provide you a 12 to 36-hour metabolic boost post-workout.

Myth #2: Abdominal crunches will help in getting perfect abs

Busted: The best Washington, DC personal trainers explain that we naturally have nice abs hiding beneath the layers of fat snuggling in our tummies. The only way to reveal great abs is to throw the fat out of the window. You think an isolation exercise, such as crunches, can effectively do that?

When getting rid of fat, you would want to recruit more muscle units at one time to consume a greater amount of energy. An isolation exercise will only target a few muscles, and the only real thing you are doing is straining your neck and upper back (especially if you're not doing the exercise right!).

Personal trainers at Washington DC feel that squats are a more efficient way to lose excess fat because they involve both upper and lower body muscles. This activity is highly useful in recruiting more muscles rather than just the muscles in one particular area. When this fat is burned, you will be happy to realize that you had wonderful naturally designed abs hidden beneath the fat all along.

Myth #3: You can tone your muscles using light weights if you increase reps.

Busted: Men and women can only define their muscles by lifting heavy weights. Light weights will not have any effect even if you do a million reps. So, you should just sit back, relax and watch football on TV, if you're planning on using a 1 lb dumbbell.

Myth #4: Eat less and workout more.

Busted: Eat healthy food and do a lot of exercise. It is so disappointing to see people constantly going on and off crash diets. They skip meals in order to lose weight and only end up gaining it all back. Hence it is always advisable to eat more and exercise more. Complete starvation only makes you crave for more food, so you very quickly put back all the weight you lost.

Eat healthy food and do a lot of exercise. Cultivating healthy food habits by eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans will be not only help you lose weight now, but will be good for you in the long run as well. - 17273

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