Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, September 4, 2009

Best Way to Build Muscle Fast

By Curtis Joel

Many articles have been written about creatine and periodization. In every magazine open you'll see thermogenic products from cover to cover. So why is it that after reading all of these articles you still aren't as lean and muscular as you want to be? The answer is simple.

You've come to understand several individual components of the program that will take you there. You just haven't learned to put all of the pieces together.

It's time to take all of the bits and pieces of knowledge you have accumulated and link them together into "the plan that works!" In this series of articles, I'll help you design that plan.

In this first part I'll focus on the implementation of a weight training technology I've termed "Strength and Growth Training." In that lies the essence of any body development result you want to achieve, be it fat burning, muscularity, or size.

I know you've been seeking out "the perfect routine" from friends, gym members, and magazines, and although you've tried many, none has really kicked in the way you hoped. That's really because "the perfect routine" for "everyone" doesn't exist.

The idea behind metabolic shift training is to get your muscles to leave their comfort zone. Then, when the body begins to adapt to that stimulus -- add a different challenge so that you don't overtrain and your progress continues.

There are some general principle of body transformation that apply to everyone. So, although you are unique, you are also in many ways the same as other people. Once you understand general principles you'll be able to alter some aspects of your training protocol.

The way to literally design your body is to have control over the composition of it. The vital prerequisite to determining how much fat your body burns is a control of how much muscle covers your skeleton. If you want to chisel or sculpt a body, you first need to grow muscle.

Muscle is the key to changing the shape and function of your body. If you want to reveal a good looking figure it's vital to learn how to add more muscle to your body. Even if your goal is to just burn fat, adding muscle will build your fat burning furnace. This is because muscle is the place where fat is burned.

How did you get introduced to strength training? Three times a week, basic compound movements, resting every other day? At first that worked. Then you learned more and you may have met someone that trains legs on Fridays and chest on Tuesdays.

If you started with bodybuilder workouts you learned terms like supersets and forced repetitions. Then you further classified your body into sub-segments. Your chest now consists of upper, lower, inner and outer -- whereas before it was just your chest.

The interesting thing is that this is the natural progression for most strength training athletes. As they advance their results seem to diminish. Why is this? - 17273

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