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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Knee Replacement

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

What Should I Expect With Knee Replacement?

When your knee is replaced, worn-out, damaged, and diseased natural parts will be removed and new, efficient, artificial prosthetic joints will be put in their place.

A prosthetic joint works just like a real, natural, healthy joint. It allows you to go back to enjoying all the physical activities you used to enjoy without knee pain.

Must my knees be in severely bad shape before I can have them replaced?

Consult with your doctor for an answer to this question. He or she may refer you to an orthopedist for an evaluation and consultation. Once you have talked it over with your doctor and orthopedist, do some thinking about how knee replacement will affect your life. Then you can decide whether or not it is right for you.

If you are having knee pain every day, you may respond by resting your knees. When you do this, the muscles around the knee become weaker. That means that you will have more knee pain.

Joint replacement may be exactly what you need if you have tried other options like medication and physical therapy to no avail.

Click here to learn more about torn ACL surgery.

MIS - Minimally Invasive Knee Joint Replacement

When you have MIS, specialized techniques will be used. These techniques let the doctor do major surgery without making any large incisions. That is why this procedure is called minimally invasive. There is less trauma to the soft tissues because a much smaller incision is made.

When MIS is used, it has many benefits over standard knee replacement surgery. Patients who have MIS experience shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery, and little, if any scarring. MIS is not, however, the appropriate choice for all patients.

Your orthopedist is the only one who can really tell you if MIS is the right procedure for you.

What risks are involved in MIS?

MIS is far less invasive than traditional surgery, but it is, nonetheless, a major operation.

Any time you have a major surgical procedure performed, there may be complications. However, most of the time, these can be avoided or dealt with successfully.

What about driving, working, and performing other activities of daily living? How long must a patient wait?

Consulting with your doctor, orthopedist, and surgeon will help you to arrive at an answer to this question. It depends on your physical condition, the demands of your daily life, and the advice of your health care professionals.

Click here to learn more about knee arthroscopy. - 17273

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