Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, July 23, 2009

How Body Type Can Affect Your Body Building Program

By Kyle Peters

If you are just starting out on a body building program it is useful to determine what body type you are to know how well you are going to respond to an exercise program and weight training and any modifications you will need to your training program. Often it is as simple as looking in the mirror, and studying your overall body shape to see what type you fall into.

Tall and skinny people often fall into the group which are known as endomorphs. This group are often termed as the classic hard gainers and many people who fall into this group find that no matter what they eat or how hard they train they still find it difficult to bulk up.

The biggest advantage with this group, however, that it is also difficult to gain fat as well as muscle. The advantage of this is that once you do start to put on muscle it will be lean muscle with very little fat which will give a good ripped look. In this scenario you do not have to actually put on as much muscle as you will look bigger due to the higher definition.

The next group are typically shorter, squat, heavier and are naturally more muscular. These are commonly known as the mesomorphs. Often they will claim to be able to put on muscle just by looking at a set of weights!

For those with a mesomorphic physique then usually a less intense workout program is required. The biggest hurdle to face though is the issue of fat gain. As well as muscle, these types can also easily put on fat. It is vital to increase the proportion of protein intake in the daily calories to try and overcome this.

The ideal amount of daily intake of protein for endomorphs is around 2g per kilogram of body weight. It is also important to increase general calorie intake to stimulate an anabolic state.

It is possible for both body types to get good gains but the ectomorphic types will have to work a lot harder in both the gym, to stimulate muscle growth and with the diet to increase calorie intake. The mesomorphs on the other hand will need to take extra care with the diet to avoid putting on lots of fat. Many find themselves cycling between bulking up and then dieting to lose fat. - 17273

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