Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, June 29, 2009

5 Easy Steps for Choosing a Muscle Building Program

By Mark Dale

Many people who've followed muscle building programs have failed to make good muscle gains because they've misunderstood what it takes to succeed. In order to stay motivated it's very important to see regular growth and to see the changes in the mirror.

However, many muscle building programs can be completely inappropriate to an individual's needs. The result of this can be anything from little or no muscle gains or even injury through over training.

I have read and reviewed many muscle building programs over the past 10 years, so if you are wondering what to look out for when choosing one then here are my top 5 things to look out for:

Training Time

Any workout routine that has you in the gym for hours at a time will not help you gain muscle mass. Longer in the gym does not equal bigger muscles! Your workout routines should last no more than 45 mins if you want to gain muscle size and strength.

Variety of Workouts

Keep your workout program varied and this will help to keep your muscles growing by stimulating them in different ways. Therefore re-structure your gym workouts every 8 - 12 weeks. If you don't change routines your body will become used to the same exercises and muscle growth will slow or even stop.

Take Days Off

You need plenty of rest to help your muscles grow and to help your body recover from your workouts. Every good muscle building program must include rest days and you should always take a week off at the end of your 8-12 weeks program.

Perform Exercise with Correct Form

When doing any sort of physical activity you must make sure that you do them safely, using the correct form and speed. Look out for muscle building programs that provide you with exercise databases that are either video or illustration based. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise correctly then don't do it -watch the video or study the illustrations and practice with a light weight.

Diet is Very Important!

Diet is the single most important factor that you must get right. If you are eating correctly but not working out to your full potential then you can still expect to make some reasonable muscle gains. Any muscle building diet must be personalized to your size and weight. The best muscle building programs will provide you with a great selection of diet plans that include meals for all calorie levels (e.g. 2000 to 6000 calories a day). The best meal plans even cater for vegetarians.

So that's 5 very simple but very important tips to get you on the right track to muscle building success. Make sure you find answer to all these points when you are looking at muscle building programs. - 17273

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