Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Wieder Weight Loss X-Factor Home Gym Weight Loss System

By Aimee Jones

Every year about this time, a lot of people trying decide to get in shape all at once. That also means that there are a lot of different home fitness systems and crazy diet plans that companies try to create just-in-time for the latest New Year's resolution.

One new fitness fad is something that is being called a door gym. What this devices is, it is a series of resistance bands, that is attached to the door. On either end of the bands you can attach handles or straps to do exercises with.

One of the biggest reasons that people get so excited about these is that they don't cost a lot of money. Whenever you have a product that doesn't cost much people get excited, but when you compare these to something like a total gym or a Bow flex you start to realize that the price difference is significant.

Weider, a well-known fitness company has introduced their own product. They call it the X-Factor. The Weider X-Factor is a very interesting product, because it is very similar to other products, while keeping costs down and fitness performance high.

The idea behind the system is very similar to other systems, and that it attaches resistance bands to adore to allow you the opportunity to get a similar workout that you would to Bow flex. Yet, it is much cheaper and a whole lot easier to set up.

The system also comes with a series of fitness DVDs to help you get in shape and stay that way. There are three different DVDs so that allows you a lot of opportunity to have variation and to keep things fresh and original. There's nothing worse than getting bored when you're working out.

The price is also very attractive. At around $100 is something almost anyone can afford and you almost can't afford not to own it. When you compare that to gym membership is not even close.

That being said, the Weider X-Factor is a great value and a very interesting new product. If you're looking to get in shape, you really should consider this system. After all, if you just do this three times a week for 30 minutes of time, you?d be in shape before you know it. - 17273

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