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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Learn Important Stuff About Vitamin B Deficiency

By Fiorella Mardini

Vitamins in our system are an integral part to keep our bodies functioning correctly; they are obtained via external sources as we can't auto-produce them. It is essential to ensure a diet with a great nutritional value and vitamin amounts.

The vitamin B complex is a family of different vitamins, each one names with the letter and a number. Doctors recommend taking them as a group.

Among the most common types of deficiencies, we have vitamin B12 deficiency; this can develop out of drug use, ingest of processed food, toxins and even the stress in our lives.

Failing to get proper levels of vitamin B can lead to health complications and bring conditions such as neurological disorders and pernicious anemia. In children signs are more severe.

Among the ones who are more prone of developing a deficiency, specifically B12 deficiency, are vegan and vegetarian people that leave out any type of animal food from their diets. For them, supplementation is a must.

If you want to get good levels of vitamin B, you'll need to include animal food in your diet, such as liver, dairy products, muscle flesh and eggs.

Unfortunately, the vitamin is not found in good quantities in plant food. Too get the amounts we need we would have to ingest great quantities of vegetables containing small amounts.

There are some vegetables that offer more contents of B12 than others, such as soybeans, avocado, spinach, bananas and baked potatoes. Still, you need of fortified cereals or supplements.

The treatment of this type of vitamin deficiency will be dictated taking into account factors such as the severity of the deficiency and current lifestyle. It can be supplemented via shots or injection, sublingual tablets and even can be found in the form of creams.

Keep in mind that this article is only for informational purposes, if you think you are suffering from the symptoms of a vitamin B deficiency, it is the best idea to talk with a doctor and undergo proper evaluation. - 17273

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