Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, October 23, 2009

How To Control Insulin To Accelerate Fat Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

You can ignore all the different angles and theories and focus on one thing: controlling insulin. Why is insulin so important? Because it ultimately controls how much fat you can lose.

So no matter how much you exercise and sweat, if levels of insulin are not low you will not lose weight. Crazy, but true.

So here are some techniques for getting that insulin under control:

1. Avoid high GI carbohydrates. All carbohydrates are eventually broken down to sugar once digested. And sugar has the biggest impact on insulin bar none. Thus, eliminating high GI carbohydrates from your diet will be a powerful stimulus for lowering insulin.

2. Lower levels of body fat. Ironically, reducing levels of body fat is one of the most powerful ways to lower levels of circulating insulin. When you lose body fat, your insulin sensitivity goes up. This means that you need a smaller amount of insulin to get the same job done.

3. Say goodbye to the dopamine rush. Carbohydrates and their broken down form, sugar, increase levels of dopamine in your brain (a feel good hormone). Once you drop the sugar, you will miss this rush more than anything else. The best strategy here is to distract yourself by doing involved activities.

4. Avoid the whole grain mentality. We have been told for far too long that whole grains are healthy. And while they do contain more fiber than sugary foods, they are still NOT optimal for weight loss. We did not evolve over history to eat whole grains.

5. Ditch the martini. I bet you have heard about the effects of alcohol ad nauseum. Well, get ready to hear them again. You see, alcohol has a TON of calories and it promotes the storage of fat around your stomach. So please stay away, far away from the spirits.

If you can control insulin, you can lose as much body fat as you want. Period. I believe the biggest hurdle most people face is dealing with the dopamine withdrawal that is accompanied by the absence of sugar. So follow the tips in this article so that you can be one step closer to reaching your goals. - 17273

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