Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, August 17, 2009

Best Abs Workout Routines: Super Fast Method to Six Pack Abs

By Lynn Howard

I would like to start by dispelling a huge myth about building six pack abs. You cant simply burn fat off your midsection to expose your abs. You can do sit ups, crunches, V-ups all day and develop a strong midsection but you wont be able to see them. With all the misleading advertisements for ab building machines its no surprise that people still think you can simply burn away the fat around your midsection by doing ab exercises. The following are the components you'll need to develop the best abdominal workout.

NUTRITION PHASE: Your diet may be the most important part of your fitness plan to develop six pack abs. Forgetting to focus on proper nutrition is like trying to drive your car with 3 tires you wont ever reach your destination. Some nutritional components you must consider.

High Metabolism: Consider your metabolism a burning fire. If you'd like to keep that fire burning hot you must constantly put dry firewood in it often. The same is true for your metabolism. Eating 5 -6 smaller meals a day will keep your metabolism burning hot AND burning calories. Many of us are guilty of the worst nutritional sin, skipping breakfast. Breakfast is actually the most important meal for the day. Its like lighting the fire that will keep you warm the rest of the night, if you don't get that right nothing else matters that much.

Lean Protein: Eating lean protein is vital to any fitness diet because it has so many beneficial effects. For fat burning and ab building lean protein takes a long time to digest so you wont have blood sugar spikes like when you eat straight carbohydrates. You may know that when your blood sugar peaks and then drops you feel the cravings to consume starchy carbohydrates and over eat.

Lots of Water: We need water to survive and flush out all the toxins in the body. Keeping well hydrated is also essential to being consistent with your workouts. Drink 8 cups a day for optimal health.

Fiber: Think of fiber as lubricant to your digestive tract. Keeping high amounts of fiber in your stomach keeps food moving quickly through your digestive and intestinal tract which will keep you in overall good health.

WORKOUT PHASE: Cardiovascular exercise is very important to any fat burning and ab building routine. Keeping your workouts short and intense is the best way to rev your metabolism into high gear and burn fat off your body. Most people mistakenly think long hours on the treadmill are the best way to burn fat off your body. Actually, its the best way to stop any good exercise plan from succeeding because you cant keep that up for long. So keep it short and intense.

Weights - Lifting heavy is probably the best kept secret when it comes to fat burning. Because muscle burns much more calories at rest than fat, increasing your lean muscle mass is the best way to melt the fat off your body. This will also begin to give you the tone look that goes hand in hand with a nice set of six pack abs. - 17273

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