Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, August 27, 2009

7 Fat Loss Tips that Will Help You Lose More Weight

By Davy Jones

There are hundreds of diets out there. And each diet has its own unique rules, some of them being total opposites. But what all have in common is the promise of a fabulous looking body. If you bother to read a couple of these fast weight loss diets you will start wondering if it is worth the effort to follow such a diet. Here are 7 dieting tips you can use to lose weight without all that hassle:

1)Buy a scale. I know you hate seeing that big number on it but it will motivate you to take action. It will be there to measure your results and keep in check your weight if you decide to go back to your old eating habits. If you can't stand the idea of having a scale in your house use your clothes as a measure. Are your clothes becoming looser or tighter?

2)Avoid eating fat food. All fast food if full of calories that make you fat. Go to restaurant where they cook your food just like you would do it at home. While you wait for your food you can catch up with friend or finish dome work.

3)Get a healthy lifestyle not a diet. If you want to lose weight and keep your fabulous looking body for a longer time you have to change your lifestyle. You have to get healthy eating habits and exercise more. Fruits and vegetables are your friend in the fight against fat.

4)Schedule your meals and snacks. If your body never goes hungry it will stop hanging on to the excess calories and it will find ways to burn them. Starving your body will help you lose a couple of pounds fast but you will become even fatter in the long run. Never ever starve your body.

5)Eat less food. You don't need to stop eating when your stomach cannot take anymore. Eat until you feel a little food and stop. You don't have to stuff yourself with food at each meal. A good habit is always leave some food on your plate. That way you will eat less food.

6)Eat more foods rich in proteins and dietary fibers. Proteins and fibers help you feel full and keep hunger away for longer periods of time. You should eat more chicken meat, beef, nuts, low fat cheese and yogurt, whole grain cereals

7)Learn to eat your food slowly. I know you are always on the run. Finding time for a peaceful meal can be a challenge in our fast paced modern times but you have to do it if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Chew your food well and take smaller bites. Your brain will have the time it needs to signal you that you are full and you don't need any more food. - 17273

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