Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gaining Muscle Mass Is Simple If You Know These 2 Secrets

By Mike Muscelli

If you're looking into gaining muscle mass, you should know that it takes a lot of effort to really add on that muscle. However, if you are serious enough about it, you can see some great gains.

If you'd like a little edge, these tips will definitely put you ahead of the pack and make things a lot easier for you:

1. Squat

One of the best ways of gaining muscle mass is through squatting. Its one of the most painful of exercises but also one which packs on the most muscle mass since it works the entire body. Squatting not only grows your legs but also the rest of your body through the release of human growth hormone.

If squatting just once a week seems like a lot, try doing it 3 times a week, some people do that and see massive gains. You have to have a really high threshold for pain to do that, but if you do, you'll see some amazing results.

2. The Deadlift

When it comes to the best exercises you could possibly be doing, the only one to come close to squats is deadlifts. This exercise will build up your back like no other, this exercise alone is responsible for many a bodybuilder's massively thick back.

Not only is deadlifting good for a massive back, but it also works out your arms and legs a bit too. Now it's important to understand just how powerful this exercise is. If all you were to do were deadlifts and nothing else for your back, because this is such a powerful exercise, you'd still wind up with a massive back if you didn't do anything else.

Now if you're absolutely serious about gaining muscle mass, while these tips will help you gain an edge, you're going to need a bit more than this to attain the body you desire.

What you really need is a complete training system which will show you what to eat, when to eat it and exactly what kind of training regimen you should be implementing to see real gains. It can mean the difference between adding on 5 pounds versus 15. - 17273

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