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Monday, December 1, 2008

Treatment and Side Effects

By Virginia Pipolini

The following article is in response to requests for more detailed information about the stages of cancer, treatments, and ways to negate side effects. NOTE: as always, consult your doctor or practitioner for exact food/diet suggestions, as not everything works for all people.

Let's begin with the stages of Cancer. In stage zero there are a small number of cancerous cells in one area. Stages I, II and III progress into how involved the cancerous cells are, affecting both the local area and nearby organs. Stage IV involves other areas and organs, with numerous metastases or spreading, and this stage is often referred to as terminal.

What are some of the Treatment methods used for Cancer? Surgical: laser or instruments to remove/cut out cancerous tissue. Radiation: high doses of radioactive materials to kill cancer cells or shrink tumors. Chemotherapy: chemicals/drugs to stop the growth or limit the rapid reproduction of cancer cells. Immunotherapy: nutrients or drugs to stimulate (or suppress) immune responses. Transplants: bone marrow or stem cells to remind the body of what healthy cells are like.

The Side Effects of cancer treatment protocols (includes, but aren't limited to) the following. The most common: nausea; delayed healing; hair loss; nail changes; digestive problems; pain; loss of smell, taste, or weight; fatigue, anxiety and depression.

In addition to the more common side effects, there are numerous other possible complaints stemming from cancer treatment protocols. Those are changes to blood pressure, allergies, shock, infections, seizures, and vision problems. Long term issues can include mental health problems, and heart attacks, especially in chemotherapy treatment. Other long term side affects are kidney failure and death from the toxins.

How do we downplay the side effects caused by cancer treatment? There are two powerful methods. First we have diet. A healthy diet includes lean non-red meats, fiber and whole grains, plenty of vegetables, especially the cruciferous variety, and lots of water. In addition: gravies, cottage cheese, yogurt and shakes, and non-acidic fruits. It is recommended that these meals be divided into multiple small meals throughout the day.

Important procedures on the list of the top two greatest aids in reducing those debilitating side effects is energy healing. These include but are not limited to reiki, therapeutic touch, healing touch, quantum healing, and others. The benefits? There are reports of decreased mental, physical and emotional stress and strain. Others state there is a balancing of the body processes, and increased healing response.

Things To take into account: Many people with cancer have their sense of smell, taste, or appetite affected (or things taste metallic). Be creative with favorite/comfort dishes, or new ones, and/or use wood or plastic utensils to cook or eat with. Prepare food in smaller amounts, vent odors, make sure the foods are easy to digest (generally not raw), and have hard candies available to stimulate saliva/digestive processes. Add a splash of juice to water to make it more appealing/palatable.

And last, but not least, when doing energy work on someone with cancer, be gentle; don't overwhelm them, and give them time to respond. You can serve in an important role as a caregiver, practitioner, healer or friend. - 17273

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